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This blog is dedicated to helping us all prepare to be ready for any and all emergencies.

As taught in D&C 38: 30 "if ye are prepared ye shall not fear.”
Kendra Owens. Powered by Blogger.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Your Grab and Go Folder

I have to love Pintrest I found a "pin" to this site it was my insperation behind my Grab and Go folder.

I took the items on that list and expanded upon them.

Make sure your Grab and Go Folder is in an easy location. I would suggest keeping it in the kitchen or on the main floor. You will want to refer to it when an emergency hits. The least amount of thinking and scrambling the better.

To begin your Grab and Go folder you will need:
*2 Inch Binder
*Divider tabs
*Protective sleeves
*If your a geek like me a way to laminate items

Sections for your grab and go Folder: (This is the order I have put mine together)

Note on Grab and Go Folder links. I made up many of the documents listed. Ones listed with a * are ones I found on Pintrest or online blogs. Any emergency packet and brochure I found on I only provided to the links to the ones I found pertanent to living in Eagle Mountain Utah. There are many more you might find a use for. I know I left off the links to a few that would be helpful in Utah by total accident, it was hard to remember to save them all.

Some of the terrorist attach related ones may seem a little over board but one day we were driving down Redwood Road when I realized that with in 10 miles of my home we have the National Data Security Center, no clue its real name, and Camp Williams. Kind of decided those could be good terrorist targets so best to be prepared.

Emergency Plan (The most important section and the most time consuming one for me to put together)
Family Emergency Plan
Family Evacuation Plan
-What to Take With You *
Family Emergency Contact List
Sentimental Items to Pack
-What To Do During an Evacuation *
-What To Do After an Evacuation *

Be Prepared for the Emergency Pamphlets:
-Flooding, After Floods
Biological Attack
-Chemical Attack
-Earth Quakes
-Winter Storms
-Wild Fires

First Add Info:
-Information sheets on basic first add

Family Identification and Documents (Keep a copy of all origionals in your Grab and Go Binder, store origionals in a fire proff safe
- Birth Certificates
-Marriage License
-Adoption Papers
- SS Cards
-Child ID Kits *
-Adult ID Kits *
-Family and Individual Photos

Insurance Information
-Insurance cards
-Isurance policies
-Home inventory
-Copies of deeds/titles
-Copy of car registrations

Pet Information
-Copy of recent vet records
-Copy of Vaccine Info
-Pet ID Kit *
-Home Again or Chip Info
- Shelter ID Kit (A copy of all items listed above, plus a copy of family contact info. Have this ready if you have to leave your pet at a shelter)

Check this list* for any items I may have forgotten to mention.

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