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This blog is dedicated to helping us all prepare to be ready for any and all emergencies.

As taught in D&C 38: 30 "if ye are prepared ye shall not fear.”
Kendra Owens. Powered by Blogger.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Emergency Preparedness...Getting Organized

I was trying hard to post week by week through the getting prepared and organized stage of the 52 weeks to emergency preparedness. But discovered that getting organized takes hours and weeks and way longer then I thought it would. Best part though...after this it really is an easy week by week accomplishement, where each week you collect one item.

That being said I am finally organized and ready to walk us all through this. Where to start....start with the post getting started then each week on Sundays, starting December 30 2012, I will post what item or project we will accomplish that week to get prepared.

As a heads up...I will be posting and working on the items my family doesnt have first. We should be able to get prepared in less then 52 weeks, if thats the case I will schedule posts to see the rest of you through being ready by the end of 2013.

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